Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 4- Husband

Today's topic is specific for husbands. You can take this and turn it however you would like. I am just leaving it the way it is because I think it is good for those that are praying for them. I hope everyone has a wonderful week! Sorry these posts have been sporadic and a little crazy.  

God has been doing some good things in my heart as I've put much time and focus on the spiritual well-being of my husband. Anyone else?

Today, let's focus on our person as just that, a husband. If you are not yet married, pray for your guy as he steps into the role of husband.  For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church. Your husband, my husband, is the leader. Already. It's settled. You don't have to negotiate it or loose sleep over it, they are the head of the home. Christ appointed them to that role. 

In thinking about praying for this role,  it was hard for me to stripe this roll from the other rolls he fulfills. Yet, it is the one role that is solely created for me. Funny, isn't it?

Our focus:
Encourage him in his leadership of me, his wife. 
Continue to develop him into a man that always makes marriage a priority
Give him a deep love for me, his spouse.
Give him new revelation into your heart for marriage.
Guard his eyes from Satan's attempts to steal his affection from me. 
May he be a model of submission as he submits to the Lord.
Give him wisdom in leadership.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 3- Job

To start off this work week right, let's pray for our dude's job. Whatever it is that he does to 'bring home the bacon,' let's ask that Jesus meet him there today.

We all know our husband's jobs well, so spend some time today personalizing your prayer in the way your husband needs them most. Try to take yourself out of the prayers. Don't pray for what you would be pleased to see happen, but rather things that would bring growth to your dude.

Our focus:
May their workplace be/become a place where they have freedom and show their creativity and use their gifts.
That they would gain encouragement, specifically today, from their co-workers.
That they would be effective.
A thankful heart for a job that provides.
Give clarity to any callings that the Lord may be placing in their heart. 
Professional growth.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 2- Worship

I thought I had posted day 2 from my sweet new iphone, but i guess it didn't work. I was going to post Day 3 today. . . late. . . and realized that Day 2 was still a draft!! Soo sorry! I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!

Worship, as you know, is a matter of the heart. So, let's begin by praying for their heart. I know what it feels like to have a heavy or burdened or uneasy heart. Don't you? Let's come together against this for our special person.

Our focus:
Take the burdens from their heart.
Replace them with freedom.
In that freedom, begin to teach us what it truly means to worship You in spirit and in truth.
Come and meet us where we are.
Allow them to find rest in their home and in their current circumstances.
Begin to lay new words and encouragement on their heart.
Develop them into a person who is capable of being in a constant spirit of worship.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 1- Leadership

Happy Tuesday! I hope this finds you all well!  If you have thought of your special person . . .please join me for day 1 of prayer focused on that person. Below is the information from Texas blog for day 1 on leadership. I have changed it up a little in order for it to focus on anyone . . . not just husbands! : ) 

Let's begin by praying for our special person as a leader
All of us are leaders in one way or another and most of them lead in multiple areas. The men in our lives are all the leaders in our relationships and homes. Many of them lead multiple people in their place of work. And whether you realize it or not, many of your husband's friends look to your husband as a leader in their friendship. For those of you who have been in leadership roles yourselves, you know the burden and pressure that can come from such roles. Recognize that your husband or your special person is a leader to many people, even in situations that you may be unaware of. Let's ask the Lord to bless them in this role, to teach them through leadership and to use them to influence others. 

Our focus:
Increase their wisdom in making decisions for those they lead.
God would give them confidence as a leader.
Call them to step out in their role and calling. 
Give them influence in the lives of others.
That they would view their leadership as a way to lead as the Lord has lead them. 
Teach them through leading others. 
A teachable spirit. 

Use the next twenty-four hours to focus on your husband's roles in leadership. Take them before the Lord, specifically as a leader.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Taking Them To Jesus

My friend Meagan Pearson mentioned to me about a challenge her and her friend started last week. It is called Taking Your Man To Jesus. It was originally made up by a lady from Texas The Ingram Gang that prayed for her husband. I don't have a husband so I am going to pray for a special person in my life. It doesn't have to be your husband or even a man. You can let this person know you are praying for them or you can just do it privately. Each day you pray that they will become stronger in a specific aspect of their life. I feel like I pray for the sick, my family, and my friends, but I don't feel like I pray enough for the specific things each of them might need.

After reading through some of the days I feel like I need to challenge myself to do this. I will post the topics from her blog daily. This can be twisted and turned to focus on anyone you would like. I challenge you to pick a specific person or maybe even a group you would like to focus on for the next 10 days. Use today to decide who you are going to pray for and I will post our first topic tomorrow.

Texas ends her intro by saying . . . This isn't a dare or a lengthy challenge, just a way that one gal can encourage another gal in praying for a special someone.

Prayer is powerful!!

Let me know if you decide to join me. I would love to hear your stories. . .  Keep me posted! : )

Friday, February 18, 2011

this is the stuff you use

I have to trust that you know exactly what you're doing.
 It might not be what I would choose, but this is the stuff you use! 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

We can't just say I love you, We have to live I love you!

Lovers Day this year was made special by one amazing guy! Shaun and I have been together for almost a year and let me tell ya . . . it has been one great ride. We have such great friends that we make memories with, but the moments that mean the most to me are the ones when we spend time with just the two of us. We didn't have big valentines plans because he didn't get off until 8. I met him at Shortly Smalls during his quick dinner break. We have really become fond of this place. . . Their fries are the best in town and their honey mustard is AWESOME! It our special little dinner place during the week so I saw no other way to spend valentines day. After he finished working I met him at his house where we were going to just spend a little time together and exchange the gifts we got each other. He started by opening the one I wrapped for him . . . In the pretty valentines wrapping paper with a matching bow was a razorback license plate that he had mentioned a while back he would like to have. Along with a sweet card I also put some pictures I had printed of us. After he finished it was my turn. I always get nervous when opening presents because he does such a good job of keeping things a secret. I had no idea what he had decided to do for me. He went to the pantry and pulled out two little boxes that he had wrapped in phone book pages. Apparently someone forgot to leave the valentine wrapping paper over there. . . that would be me! : ) It was so cute! He is such a great wrapper. I did say WRAPPER not RAPPER . . . even though he would agree with both! HA! After almost crying while reading my sweet card I went to open my little boxes. I asked which one I should open first and he said it didn't matter. . . I would know what it was by either one of them. Apparently they were connected in some way. I was totally blown away when I opened the box to find a new iPhone. For those of you that don't know . . . Shaun and the rest of our friends have had iPhone's for a while now. My phone on the other hand, has been around the block a few times. Don't get me wrong. . . I will fall in love with my new iPhone, but it's going to take a lot of patience and practice. I am so excited! I have been wanting a new iPod so this works as both. Can't wait to get it all hooked up and get started using it!! I will keep you posted on my progress! Oh yeah, and he got me a sweet case to go with it. I am pretty rough with things so it will keep it nice and safe!

Here is his fantastic wrapping job! : )

 I am a lucky girl . . . not just because of my gift, but because Shaun does his best DAILY to make me feel special. He is truly a great man and I am so very thankful for all the sunshine he brings into my life. I heard a song recently that sums it up pretty much perfectly: He loves me for me. Not for what I have done or what I will become. He loves me for ME!

                              I love us! 

Lots of catching up to do!

       One great part about my job is that I get to travel ever so often. Last week I had a training in Blytheville and was about to meet my Pop, Nana (on the right), and two of her sisters for lunch. Tradition in our family is to eat bar-b-que when you visit town. We had a great visit. It was really good to see all of them. 

Here is my version of the football cupcakes for our super bowl party. . . They turned out pretty good! I decided to make chocolate footballs instead of using icing. They sure did taste better that way! 

       This past weekend we ladies shipped the men off to Greeres Fairy to stay at a cabin for the weekend while we got together for some much needed girl time. We had been talking for a couple of weeks about how much fun we were going to have sitting around in our pajamas, snacking, and chatting while watching sappy girlie movies. Unfortunately, one thing led to another and one by one the ladies plans fell apart. Not to worry. . . we all took a rain check and will be getting together SOON! Even though Rocky Bones and I weren’t able to get together with our ladies . . . we decided to take a road trip to Pocahontas to visit Shaun’s family. We met them Friday night for their traditional Friday Night Fish Date. They love Captain Catfish and have told us for a long time that we should come join them. Now I know why . . . It was some of the best catfish I have had.
         Mrs. Lin planned for her and I to find me some new/old fixer upper furniture for my new place (Post for another time). We went to several different antique places around town where we found soo many goodies! Unfortunately, they cherish their fantastic finds a little more than I was willing to pay right now.  Even though we came home empty handed . . . she and I had just a great day together. I got to see parts of Pocahontas I have never seen. We enjoyed an awesome root beer float, laughed until we cried listening to Chonda Pierce CD, and got some good ideas for the future. 
         Mrs. Lin just goes on and on about playing cards with her mom and her friends. We have said for a while now that I will have to come up and have them teach me how to play hand and foot. Saturday was a perfect day for it. We met up with Ms. Wanda and Ms. Fannie and had so much fun!! They are serious about their cards, but are great teachers. We celebrates Ms. Wanda's 39th ;) birthday with rice crispies and strawberries! I am blessed to have such great Christian women in my life. I look up to these ladies and strive to be more like them daily! Thank you for all the laughs this weekend!! 


Friday, February 4, 2011

Dinner and a Movie

Between the year-end reports we are working on at the office, turbo tax Tuesday, catching up from a weekend at home, trainings I have had at night this week, and celebrating a good friends birthday . . . this has been one crazy busy week! I love staying busy, but believe me . . . I love to slow it down too! I am looking forward to not having anything that just HAS to be done this weekend. Luckily Shaun is off tonight so we are going to have a date night! First one we have really had in a while. Dinner and a movie. He even said I get to pick the movie. . . after the Black Swan choice from last time . . . think he owes me! : )  Can't wait!!

I mentioned that we celebrated a friends birthday. One year ago yesterday I met the most amazing group of people. Katie's brother coaches with my dad in Magnolia. He knew I was new in town and didn't know anyone so he had her give me a call. It just happened to work out that they were going to be going out for Rusty's birthday that week. I decided to go and the rest is history. There is no way I would have made it in this town, after moving here alone, without them! They keep me on my toes, laughing until it hurts, and have my back no matter what! I am always looking forward to the next time we will be able to see each other. I love them like family and I am so blessed to have them. 

Our first date! Goofy from day one :  ) 

 My plan for Saturday. . . SLEEP IN! : ) After that, if weather permits, I would like to go antique looking and shopping at some junk stores here in town. I am wanting to make myself a craft room at some point. . . have to get my own place and find time to craft, but when I do I want to be prepared! I would love to find some old pieces of furniture like these to transform! 

We are all getting together for the Super Bowl on Sunday. I am in charge of bringing the cupcakes. This is what my intention is for the project. We shall see what they end up looking like . . . fingers crossed they don't turn out like the key lime cupcakes! : /  story for another time. . . still to soon to talk about it! 

Have a fabulous weekend!! 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

back to my roots

I am so lucky to have a great family. My parents are both strong Christians that have raised me to walk in their footsteps. I love going back home because it brings me back to my roots and reminds me of who I truly am. When I think I have it all figured out I am quickly reminded that I have no clue. I am thankful for the way we are able to communicate as a family. I am thankful for the faith they have put in my decision making skills and the trust they have had in me through the years. It would be so hard to be where I am today without my great support system!

Nie Nie. . . the author of a blog I have been following, asked a somewhat simple question today.

What makes you happy? I am taking this year to find myself again. I feel like it is time for me to get back to where I should be in every aspect of my life. Tired of just going through the motions and not making the most of every day God gives me. While in search of my new self I have been trying to figure out what I can do to make myself a happier person. . . The simple things that I can do on a daily basis that makes me feel like I am giving back, making the most of my day, and making an impact on someones life for the better.  This question might be simple for some people, but I have a hard time with it. I have worked on a list and this is what I have so far. . .
1. spending time with people I care about and care about me
2. helping people
3. solving problems
4. serving
5. making things . . . being crafty
6. mini weekend vacations to random places I have never been before
7. experiencing things I have never experienced
8. having good conversation with friends I have lost touch with
9. riding in the car with windows down singing my favorite songs
10. cooking for people I love
11. at times I love girl time . . .  coffee, girl talk, desperate housewives, bachelor, and anything that doesn't have to do with the guys ; )
12. watching my favorite movies over and over again
13. playing card games
14. having alone time
15. going to weddings
16. planning events/vacations/day trips . . . just planning in general
17. a little coffee with my cream and sugar
18. clean sheets and warm towels just out of the dryer
19. having people in my life I can trust
20. feeling wanted/needed
21. getting compliments
22. being made to feel special and irreplaceable
23. visiting a church and being made to feel like you have known them your whole life
24. being with someone and not feeling like you have to say anything
25. diet coke
26. decorating for Christmas
27. flowers
28. pictures
29. hearing a baby laugh and watching them smile
30. hearing the words "i love you"
31. going different places and doing things without a time frame
32. looking around in target or hobby lobby

When I really started thinking about it I realized that there is a lot in my life that makes me happy. I am growing daily and by surrounding myself with those people I want to be like is truly helping me in that process of becoming a strong Christians.  I am blessed to have such a wonderful life, family, friends, and the start of a great church family.