Monday, February 21, 2011

Taking Them To Jesus

My friend Meagan Pearson mentioned to me about a challenge her and her friend started last week. It is called Taking Your Man To Jesus. It was originally made up by a lady from Texas The Ingram Gang that prayed for her husband. I don't have a husband so I am going to pray for a special person in my life. It doesn't have to be your husband or even a man. You can let this person know you are praying for them or you can just do it privately. Each day you pray that they will become stronger in a specific aspect of their life. I feel like I pray for the sick, my family, and my friends, but I don't feel like I pray enough for the specific things each of them might need.

After reading through some of the days I feel like I need to challenge myself to do this. I will post the topics from her blog daily. This can be twisted and turned to focus on anyone you would like. I challenge you to pick a specific person or maybe even a group you would like to focus on for the next 10 days. Use today to decide who you are going to pray for and I will post our first topic tomorrow.

Texas ends her intro by saying . . . This isn't a dare or a lengthy challenge, just a way that one gal can encourage another gal in praying for a special someone.

Prayer is powerful!!

Let me know if you decide to join me. I would love to hear your stories. . .  Keep me posted! : )

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I loveee that youre joining me dear :)